Muhammad Saqib

Web Designer

UI/UX Designer

Digital Marketing

Muhammad Saqib
Muhammad Saqib

Web Designer

UI/UX Designer

Digital Marketing


  • Created By: Muhammad Saqib
  • Date: 11/05/2022
  • Client: Leontien Groot
  • Platform: Upwork
See Demo

Leontien Groot, the creative mind behind the clothing brand Theme Atelier, came to me with a specific need. She had an elaborate Adobe XD design for her web shop but needed an expert to transform this design into a fully functional WordPress site. Referred by my satisfied client Danny Hulsink, Leontien trusted that I could bring her vision to life seamlessly.


  • Leontien had a comprehensive Adobe XD design that needed to be converted into a WordPress site.
  • The site had to be a fully functional web shop, capable of handling product listings, inventory management, and online sales.
  • Maintaining the original design’s aesthetics and ensuring a responsive, user-friendly experience were critical.


To address Leontien’s requirements, I meticulously converted her Adobe XD design into a dynamic WordPress web shop. Here’s how I approached the project:

  1. Design Conversion: I accurately translated the Adobe XD design into WordPress, ensuring every visual element, layout detail, and design feature was preserved. This included the unique branding elements that define Theme Atelier.
  2. E-commerce Integration: Utilizing WooCommerce, I set up the web shop functionality. This included product listings, inventory management, and a seamless checkout process. I customized the WooCommerce setup to match the design aesthetics and ensure a cohesive look.
  3. Responsive Design: I ensured the site was fully responsive, offering a consistent and engaging experience on all devices. This involved thorough testing and optimization for desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  4. Custom Development: Where necessary, I employed custom coding to implement specific design features and functionalities that were essential to the user experience and brand representation.


The new Theme Atelier web shop beautifully embodies Leontien Groot’s original design vision. The site is not only visually appealing but also robust in functionality, providing a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience for customers. The responsive design ensures that visitors can easily browse and shop from any device.

Leontien Groot was delighted with the outcome, praising the site for maintaining the integrity of her original design while offering the functionality needed for a successful online store. The positive feedback from customers and the ease of managing the shop have been significant benefits. This project, referred by Danny Hulsink, further highlights my ability to deliver high-quality digital solutions that meet and exceed client expectations.